2.5.1 Set up General Settings
The General Settings feature in AgencyHandy allows agencies to configure essential details about their workspace, ensuring accurate representation and identification across the platform. Users can upload a workspace logo, set the workspace name, provide the workspace address, and select the time zone. These settings contribute to a cohesive and personalized workspace environment.
Configuring General Settings is crucial for the following reasons:
Brand Identity: Uploading a workspace logo and setting the workspace name helps in establishing brand identity and recognition within the platform.
Workspace Identification: Providing the workspace address and setting the time zone ensures accurate representation and identification of the workspace across various features and functionalities.
User Experience: Accurate workspace details enhance user experience by providing clear identification and context within the platform, leading to smoother navigation and interaction.
Pre-condition to Use the Feature:
Users must have administrative access or appropriate permissions to access and modify workspace settings.
Steps to Use:
Access General Settings: Navigate to the workspace settings section within AgencyHandy.
Upload Workspace Logo: Click on the option to upload the workspace logo. Choose the desired logo file from your device and upload it to the platform.
Set Workspace Name: Enter the complete address of your workspace in the provided field. Ensure accuracy for precise representation within the platform.
Provide Workspace Address: Enter the complete address of your workspace in the provided field. Ensure accuracy for precise representation within the platform.
Select Time Zone: Choose the appropriate time zone from the dropdown menu. This ensures accurate scheduling and representation of time-related information.
Save Changes: Review the configured settings to ensure accuracy. Click on the "Save Changes" button to apply the settings to your workspace.
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