Export Invoice

The "Export Invoice" feature allows agencies to export invoice data into spreadsheet formats (xlsx or CSV). This functionality is useful for record-keeping, reporting, and data analysis.


  • Data Accessibility: Easily access and analyze invoice data outside the platform.

  • Flexibility: Choose specific columns to export or export all data.

  • Efficiency: Quickly generate reports or backup invoice data.


  • Invoices Available: Ensure that there are invoices generated in the system.

Steps to Use

  1. Access Export Options

    • Log in to your Agency Handy account.

    • Navigate to the "Invoices" section from the sidebar.

    • Find and click on the "Export" option, typically located in the top-right corner of the invoice management page.

  2. Select Export Format

    • Format Options: Choose between xlsx or CSV format for the export file.

    • Recommendation: Use xlsx for more complex data sets with multiple columns and formatting, and CSV for simpler, text-based data needs.

  3. Choose Columns to Export

    • Select Columns: You can customize the export by selecting specific columns to include in the exported file. Options included:

      • Client Name

      • Service Name

      • Status

      • Created On

      • Due Date

      • Amount

    • Select All: Alternatively, you can choose to export all available columns by selecting the "Select All" option.

  4. Export the Data

    • After selecting the desired format and columns, click the "Export" button.

    • The system will generate the export file. Once ready, the file will be available for download.

Important Notes

  • Data Security: Ensure the exported data is stored securely, especially if it contains sensitive client information.

  • Data Verification: After exporting, verify the data to ensure that all necessary columns and details have been accurately captured.

  • Regular Exports: Consider setting a routine for exporting invoice data, such as monthly or quarterly, for consistent record-keeping.

Last updated