Invoice Settings

The "Invoice Settings" feature allows agencies to customize invoices to reflect their branding and preferences. This includes adding logos, setting colours, hiding specific content, and choosing templates, providing a professional and consistent presentation for clients.


  • Brand Consistency: Maintain a cohesive brand image across all invoices.

  • Customization: Tailor invoices to include relevant information and exclude unnecessary details.

  • Professional Appearance: Use templates and design options to create polished, professional invoices.


  • Access to Settings: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access and modify invoice settings.

Steps to Use

  1. Access Invoice Settings

    • Log in to your Agency Handy account.

    • Navigate to the "Invoice" section from the sidebar.

    • Select "Settings" from the upper right corner.

  2. Customize Text & Logo

    • Add Logo: Upload your agency's logo to appear on all invoices. The logo size is 32X32

    • Title: Set a title for your invoices (e.g., "Invoice," "Billing Statement"). The maximum number of characters for the title is 32.

    • Default Note: Add a default note to be included in every invoice (e.g., "Thank you for your business"). The maximum number of characters for the default note is 140.

  3. Set Colours

    • Background Colour: Choose a background colour for your invoices to match your agency’s branding. You can also input the colour code here.

    • Theme Colour: Select a theme colour that will be used for headers, footers, and other highlighted areas. The system will take the theme colour code as input too.

    • Text Colour: Pick a text colour that contrasts well with the background for readability. Any color code can be input here.

  4. Add Agency Signature

    • Upload Signature: Upload a digital copy of your agency's signature to be automatically added to invoices.

  5. Hide Content

    • Customer Address: Option to hide the customer's address on the invoice.

    • Agency Address: Option to hide the agency's address.

    • Discount Percentage: Choose whether to display the discount percentage.

    • Paid Amount: Option to hide the amount already paid.

    • Due Amount: Option to hide the remaining amount due.

    • VAT & Tax: Option to hide VAT & tax details.

    • Notes: Decide whether to include or hide additional notes.

    • Signature: Option to include or hide the agency's signature.

  6. Choose Template and Preview Sample

    • Select Template: Browse and select from various invoice templates that best suit your agency's style.

    • Preview Sample: View a sample invoice to see how the selected settings and customizations will appear.

  7. Save Settings

    • After making all desired customizations, click "Save" to apply the changes to all future invoices.

Important Notes

  • Consistency: Ensure that the selected colours and logo align with your overall branding.

  • Review Customizations: Preview the sample invoice thoroughly to check for any issues or necessary adjustments.

  • Updating Settings: You can update invoice settings at any time to reflect changes in branding or preferences.

Last updated