Setup DKIM & SPF

The DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) & SPF (Sender Policy Framework) Setup feature in AgencyHandy allows agencies to generate and set up DKIM and SPF records for their workspace. These records help prevent email spoofing and enhance email deliverability by verifying the authenticity of the sender's domain.


Setting up DKIM and SPF records is essential for the following reasons:

  • Email Security: DKIM and SPF records add an extra layer of security to email communications, reducing the risk of email spoofing and phishing attacks.

  • Improved Deliverability: Authenticating emails with DKIM and SPF records improves deliverability by helping service providers identify legitimate emails, reducing the likelihood of emails being marked as spam.

  • Brand Trust: By implementing DKIM and SPF, agencies can build trust with their clients by ensuring that emails from their domain are genuine and trustworthy.

Pre-condition to Use the Feature:

  • Users must have access to the domain's DNS settings to configure DKIM and SPF records.

Here's how to set them up:

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail):

DKIM involves adding cryptographic signatures to your outgoing emails, allowing receiving servers to verify the authenticity of the messages.

  • Generate DKIM keys: Start by generating DKIM keys provided by AgencyHadny. These keys typically consist of a public key and a private key pair. Steps to Use: Workspace Config => Emails => DKIM & SPF Setup => Generate DKIM and SPF records.

  • Log In: Log in to your Cloudflare account and navigate to the DNS settings for your domain.

  • Add SPF Records: Add a new TXT record with the following values: - Type: Write down the type as TXT - Record Name/Name: Copy the name from your SPF Records. - Value/ Content: Copy the value & Paste it to the DNS. - TTL (Time To Live): Set as your provider recommends (2 min)

  • Add DKIM records: AgencyHandy provides 3 DKIM Records. To add them to DNS, follow this step: - Type: Write down the type as CNAME - Record Name/Name: Copy the name from your SPF Records & paste it. - Value/ Content: Copy the value & Paste it to the DNS. - Proxy Status: Keep it off. - TTL (Time To Live): Set as your provider recommends (2 min)

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

The SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Setup feature in Agency Handy enables agencies to configure their SMTP details for sending emails directly from their workspace. Additionally, agencies can generate unique SMTP keys to authenticate and secure their email communications.


Setting up SMTP for email delivery offers several benefits:

  • Enhanced Reliability: By configuring SMTP settings, agencies can ensure reliable email delivery directly from their workspace, eliminating reliance on third-party email servers.

  • Customization: SMTP setup allows agencies to customize email delivery settings according to their preferences and requirements.

  • Security: Generating unique SMTP keys adds an extra layer of security to email communications, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring data integrity.

Pre-condition to Use the Feature:

  • Users must have access to their SMTP server details, including the SMTP server address, port number, and authentication credentials provided by their email service provider.

Steps to Use:

  • Access Workspace Configuration: Log in to the AgencyHandy platform and navigate to the workspace settings.

  • Navigate to SMTP Setup: Locate and click on the "SMTP Setup" or similar option within the workspace configuration menu.

  • Enter SMTP Details: Enter the SMTP server address and port number provided by the email service provider. If required, provide authentication credentials such as username and password for SMTP authentication.

  • Generate SMTP Keys: Optionally, generate unique SMTP keys to authenticate and secure email communications.

  • Save Settings: Once the SMTP details and keys are entered, save the configuration settings.

  • Verify Configuration: Verify the SMTP setup by sending test emails from the workspace to ensure proper delivery.

Last updated